Loud ‘N UnChained 

(LNU) Loud’ N Unchained Theater Co. is a collective of Black & Queer, Trans, Non-Binary, Mad, c/Krip & Disabled Artists. We are poets, teaching artists, abolitionists, healers & playwrights. We are Bold & Unapologetic and dedicated to Gender Justice, Queer Justice, and Disability Justice. We believe in showing up as our full selves and creating from our experiences.

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[Little wood frame on newspaper with wooden letters quoting Audre Lorde "Without community, there is no liberation."]

Coming Up Next…


Loud Thursdays Virtual QTMadKrip Open Mic

[Purple multicolored flyer with block wording reads: Virtual QTMadKrip Open Mic. Loud Thursdays. An LNU Production. March 27th 7pm central. Register to read or attend at LnuTheaterCo.com.

Loud Thursdays QTMadKrip Virtual Open Mic
Feb. 27th 7pm/cst

This space is For: Queer, Trans, Mad, Krip, Neuro-expansive, Sick, chronically-ill, Disabled Writers and Supporters.

This is a Brave Space to share those notes in your phone, journal entries, or latest pieces you wrote during a writing workshop. LNU welcomes all QTMADKRIPS who would like to share. We take, unedited pieces, just wrote it that day, 1st drafts, and freestyles. Come open to hear and share if you like. Low pressure and chill.

Sign-up to read or attend here: https://forms.gle/Bb8hAJgouPzwZYLB6

Care Work Under Facsism

Part 2 is Coming soon. But if you missed the talk here is the playback: https://youtu.be/dIMdTr-gyNc

Atop a dark green background, multiple cream boxes display event information and is titled “Care Work Under Fascism.” The design features a cream background at the top with outlines of a wheelchair, a pillow, crutches, and leaf designs, all in green and beige tones. Event details same as below.

We are facing escalating threats to the health and safety of our communities. Care work is how we’ve always gotten through: when systems fail us, we forge ahead by creating our own and dreaming up a better future.

A conversation with Topher Avila, Maria Palacios, and TS Banks, who will discuss their experiences and strategies to persist and stay connected.

Care Work | Sunday, January 15, 2025 | 4:00 - 5:15 PT | ASL | CART | virtual | recorded https://youtu.be/dIMdTr-gyNc

UnChained Disability Justice + Care Group

[Multicolored Pink Flyer with Black and White Block wording. Loud N Unchained, Unchained Disability Justice and Care group. Sundays at 1pm. March 9th and 16th Virtual and Free. Come hang, talk, create, and learn with pother disabled folz. Krip Check-in. Krip is a term used for mad, ill, disabled, chronic pain, sick, neuro-spicey spoonies. March 9th is closed space for Black folx. March 16th is Open. there is a QR code to register. and a Blue Bink and White LNU Logo.]

UnChained Disability Justice + Care Group!!
Virtual *March 9th and 16th @ 1pm And continuing as 2nd and 3rd Sundays

This group is for Krip (mad/sick/ ill, neuro-expansive, chronically ill, chronically in pain, undiagnosed, self-diagnosed, in recovery QTBIPOC Disabled folx) and allies who want to build with other Krips, engage in some political education and create art.

*Note Sunday March 9th and 2nd Sundays will be Closed Sessions for Black Folx.

Sign- up Here: https://forms.gle/agFV6Y3a3B6frwPm6

All LNU Chapbooks Restocked!!

Picture of 3 poetry chabooks written by T. S. Banks. Darksineed Black hand holding 3 chapbooks infront of a Black bookcase and crystals

T holding his 3 chapbooks in a fan shape in front of his bookcase.

LNU Fall Poetry Workshops

[Pink flyer with block wording in Black. LNU poetry writing workshop, Virtual and on zoom, led by T.S.Banks. March 5, 12, 19, 26 on Wednesdays at 6-7pm central. There is a QR code to register. Theme is resistance, madness, and disability. Workshops are free and a Black outline of the LNU Logo mouth and tongue sticking out.​]

Event Timing: 6:00pm-7:15pm Wednesday Evenings Continuing Jan 8th 2025
Event Address: Online (via ZOOM)
Contact us at: LnuTheaterCo@gmail.com
Register Here: https://forms.gle/LozjrrgYCzgWqdGp7
LNU Poetry Writing Workshops led by Founder, Teaching artist and Author T. S. Banks. New Themes and Writing Prompts for each poetry writing night. Writers and Poets will leave every night with a few substantial writing drafts and pieces.

Writing Themes: Poems of Resistance, Madness and Disability

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LNU Books+ Stickers

LNU Chapbooks $21 each and stickers $4 each.

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